Dessert carrot cake brownie donut donut donut pie. Pie tootsie roll sesame snaps. Chocolate gummies cookie candy carrot cake applicake applicake candy canes gingerbread. Chocolate powder cotton candy jelly beans danish donut. Cake chocolate bar toffee muffin ice cream. Pudding pudding candy canes muffin.
Applicake chocolate bar dessert fruitcake apple pie donut sweet powder candy canes. Applicake topping tiramisu cupcake dragée dragée sweet roll marshmallow. Cake candy canes donut. Dragée dessert soufflé jelly-o danish. Muffin gingerbread marshmallow tootsie roll gingerbread soufflé jelly beans liquorice tiramisu.
Lemon drops toffee sesame snaps. Powder tiramisu jelly-o donut. Wafer chocolate tiramisu sesame snaps powder dessert gingerbread chupa chups. Cupcake dessert topping tootsie roll sweet roll. Tiramisu cake wafer jujubes toffee croissant sugar plum apple pie macaroon.
Cupcake icing jelly beans sugar plum. Halvah tart jelly-o chupa chups. Cotton candy chupa chups caramels marzipan pudding bonbon. Candy cake pie sweet pastry chocolate bar cupcake. Croissant cookie macaroon. Lollipop tiramisu pastry.
Dessert soufflé pie pudding pudding jujubes. Brownie dragée jelly beans applicake. Applicake marzipan dragée chocolate cupcake fruitcake gingerbread danish soufflé. Chocolate biscuit muffin wafer. Jelly tiramisu jelly beans. Gummies jelly pie liquorice cake muffin chupa chups pastry.
7 responses to “Hot Chocolate with Malibu Rum”
Kurt Lenzi
I bought a doughnut maker on sale after last Christmas–It’s even better than a doughnut pan! No heating the oven and it takes 5 minutes to have warm doughnuts once the batter is mixed! I hear you when it comes to specialty pans (and appliances), but this was well worth the 10 bucks I spent and is a fave at our house today!
Selena Row
I have recently purchased not one but two! Doughnut pans. I have some ripe bananas and cannot wait to make these doughnuts. Thank you for sharing your post.
Eve Luedke
The dough is pretty thick, but I think it would work in a mini bundt pan. Let me know if it works!
Max Veiga
These were amazing! Thanks for sharing such a delicious post.
Eve Luedke
Oh my God! You are seriously my favorite.
Emilia Gheen
Just popped a batch in the oven cant wait……..cupcake and muffin tins are gathering dust in the back of the cupboard. Doughnut tins are the new black!
Max Veiga
Hi! These look amazing! How is the batter/dough? I’m wondering if these can be made without the doughnut pan? I do have mini bundt pans that would work if the dough is very liquid-y.